Our Toddler Program welcomes children between the ages of eighteen months and two years and eleven months in September. In observing their older peers, younger friends in our mixed-age setting are motivated and inspired to try new things and take on new challenges, while older children become natural caretakers, often seeing to the needs of their younger friends before a teacher is called upon.

Utilizing hands-on materials that allow for a concrete understanding of concepts too abstract for young minds, children are encouraged to see their work and tasks to completion. An emphasis is placed on fine-motor skills throughout work period, while skills of independence, along with grace and courtesy, are developed throughout every part of the day. Among other activities, children water the plants, feed the fish, arrange flowers, and bake. Music and Movement, and Art, are an essential part of our daily routine and integrated into so much of our curriculum. Weather permitting, our students also spend time running, bouncing, and “biking” in one of our outdoor play spaces every day.

As with all of our students, our Toddlers are engaged in real work in a calm and loving environment, which they choose independently and thoroughly enjoy. We follow each child, making sure that as they explore their environment they are presented with developmentally appropriate materials and concepts. For those who are ready, we are learning our letter sounds, numerals and quantities, and expanding our vocabularies as we learn to sort and categorize a constant stream of new information and experiences. And we are always practicing our pincer grip! Of course, while we are an academic environment, our main focus is on developing social skills, communication skills, and increasing levels of concentration. Many lifelong friendships have begun in Toddler:)

Our teachers provide the balance of structure and affection necessary for our Toddlers to gain that deep sense of security that allows them to develop their independence and take on new responsibilities. Our students graduate from the Toddler program ready to enter Preprimary with confidence and enthusiasm.

*Children do not need to be toilet trained in Toddler.